Sunday, August 29, 2010

Essay about ME!

I was raised unlike many other 90's babies. My mother was a bright young woman who loved animals nearly as much as her only child. My dad was always funny and upbeat, cracking jokes to lighten moods. My mother had long work hours at what was Edward's and is now GE. When I wasn't at home with my dad, I was helping my great grandmother water her plants or watching my great gandfather make great furniture out of wood. The way I was raised set the mold of who I was to be; a caring, loving girl who tries to help any living thing from a bird with a broken wing to volunteering in a soup kitchen. I was always the kind to stop an smell the flowers.

It wasn't always animals and flowers though. When my parents divorced in 1998, I was only three years of age and didn't know really what was going on. I later developed a thing of jealousy and wanting things to be about me all the time. It still stands strong today.

The jealousy and egomania has affected the music I like as well as the movies and hobbies I have. I'm a model, which just puts me on a pedestal for everyone to oooo and awww over, and cheering makes me be noticed and gives me the feeling of a close knit team. A lot of the music I like is the kind of music that makes you want to dress up and go get everyone's attention. And for dance classes, the recital to me is showing off how hard I worked to be up on that stage.

All in all, I've fought long and hard to be where I am with the joys of the little things on the way. So what if my parents didn't live in the suburbs w/ minivans and picket fence yards? Being raised in that environment w/ those people around me made me the good person I am today. I wasn't raised mainstream, I was raised unique and independant and unlike everyone else, and that makes me who I am now.

Student Survey

Since my computers at home can't read the document as it's supposed to be, here is a blog specially made for that document.

Student Survey

Name: _Jamie Hamm____

How would you rate the amount of success you have achieved in your previous Humanities/Social Studies/English classes?

___ Above Average _X_ Average ___ Below Average

How would you rate the amount of success you have achieved in your previous Math/Science classes?

_X_ Above Average ___ Average ___ Below Average

How do you feel you learn best? (Choose all that apply)

_X_ Visually (Videos, Pictures) ___ Verbally (Lectures, Talking)

___ Physically (Hands-On Projects) ___ Written Language (Handouts)

How do you feel that you work best? (Choose all that apply)

_X_ In Pairs

___ In Groups

___ Individually

  X_ One on One with Teacher

On a test, quiz, or homework, which of the following would you rather do?

___ Give answers orally.

___ Write the answers in paragraph or essay form.

_X_ Choose from several answers the correct statement.

___ Be assessed in a different manner (i.e. research paper, presentation, portfolio)

How often do you read the newspaper?

___ Never

_X_ Seldom (1-2 times per week)

___ Often (3-5 times per week)

___ Everyday

Do you or your guardian have a subscription to any magazines or newspapers? If so, what are they?
We hav subscriptions to teen vogue, people, L.L. Bean magazines, JC Penney catalogs, and the rolling thunder.

If given the chance, what do you like to read? (You may choose more than one)

_X_ Magazines ___ Newspapers ___ I don’t like to read

___ Non-Fiction ___ Fiction

Who is your favorite author(s)?
James Patterson, Lisi Harrison, anyone who wrote a Halo novel.

What is your favorite book(s) of all-time?
The Clique series and Halo novels.

List your three favorite things to do in your spare time?

______Watch TV_____________

__Go on Facebook or other online stuff like that__

____Practice cheering________

List your three favorite TV shows?

_____Family Guy_______        

___The George Lopez Show___
____The Big Bang Theory_____

Who are your favorite actor(s) and actress(s)?
George Lopez, Betty White, John Cleese, Jim Parsons,

List the last three movies you have seen?

___American Pie Presents Band Camp____
___The Hangover________________        

___The Simpsons Movie____________      

List your three favorite movies of all-time?

____The Hangover____________

___  Angus, Thongs, and Perfect Snogging ___

What type(s) of music do you enjoy?
Anything new with a good beat that isn't country

List your three favorite musical artists?

____Jason DeRulo__________     

____Taio Cruz_______________ 

____Lady GaGa____________     

What are your favorite sports, teams, and players?
The Patriots, the red sox, the maineiacs, and our huskies, of course

What are your favorite things about school?
Learning interesting and new things

What do you expect from Mr. Allen?
The kind of learning where you learn a ton but don't realize it

Here is an opportunity for you to write down anything else that you feel would help you succeed in this class.
~Followed by an essay in the next post.